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Livigno in brief

Livigno can be reached:
from south-east: via the Passo del Foscagno (2.291 m) and the Eira (2.210 m) along route nr. 301, connecting Livigno to Bormio and the Alta Valtellina;

from south-west: via the Passo della Forcola (2.315 m), connecting Livigno - from June to October - crossing parts of Switzerland, with Poschiavo, the Tirano and the Media Valtellina in southern direction, but also with the Bernina (2.323 m) and the High Engadine (Pontresina, St. Moritz, Samedan and SilvaPlàna) in northern direction;

from north-east, via the Strada del Gallo and the De La Schera-Tunnel to the Lower Engadine (Zernez).
